Word view
This page explains how to use the word view of the Egyptian Arabic Dictionary. You can get to this view by clicking on a word in one of the other views.

Point at an item in this image to for brief notes about the item, or click on it for a full explanation of the item

At the top left of the display is a or button .
Arabic words are displayed both in arabic writing and in european letters. There are two options for displaying words in european letters- transliterated and pronounced. You can click on and to switch between the two. For more information about the differences between the two systems and an introduction to arabic writing, see Arabic Writing.
At the top right is a or
flag that can switch the user interface between English and Arabic
Word details

This block displays full details for the word. If available, you can click on the button
to see all moods and cases of this verb, and the
button to see example sentences that use this word.
This clarifies the meaning of the word.
This is the language of the word.
This indicates the function of a word in a sentence, for example Noun or Verb. See grammar for more information about this.
This specifies the thesaurus category that this word belongs to. You can click on the thesaurus category to see a list of similar or related words.
The usage indicates how frequently the word is used: the options are
- daily
- regularly
- occasionally
- understood but rarely used
- obscure- not always understood
- no star - unrated
BNC rank
This indicates how frequently the word is used in english. The rank for arabic is not currently available, as there is no corpus of written egyptian arabic available for analysis.

Many words have more than one grammatical form- for example, singular and plural.
This section gives a list of all forms. If there is a button next to a form, you can click on it to hear somebody saying the word.

This section lists the meanings of this word in the other language. You can click on a word to switch to see full details for that word.
Similar words

This section lists words that are spelt almost the same as this word. You can click on a word to switch to see full details for that word.