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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I took | 'ana 'achaztaacnaa aacKadht | أنا َ أخـَذت |
We took | 'ihna 'achaznaiicHnaa aacKadhnaa | إحنا َ أخـَذنا |
You(m) took | 'inta 'achaztiicnta aacKadht | إنت َ أخـَذت |
You(f) took | 'inti 'achaztiiicnti aacKadhty | إنت ِ أخـَذتي |
You(pl) took | 'intu 'achaztuiicntoo aacKadhtoo | إنتوا أخـَذتوا |
He/it(m) took | huwa 'achazhuwa aacKadh | هـُو َ أخـَذ |
She/it(f) took | hiya 'achazithiya aacKadhit | هـِي َ أخـَذ ِت |
They took | humma 'achazuhumma aacKadhoo | هـُمّ َ أخـَذوا |
telling somebody to do something
English | Egyptian |
You(m) take! | 'echuzeeKudh | آخـُذ |
You(f) take! | 'echuzieeKudhy | آخـُذي |
You(pl) take! | 'echuzueeKudhoo | آخـُذوا |