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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I captured | 'ana 'abadtaacnaa qabaDt | أنا َ قـَبـَضت |
We captured | 'ihna 'abadnaiicHnaa qabaDnaa | إحنا َ قـَبـَضنا |
You(m) captured | 'inta 'abadtiicnta qabaDt | إنت َ قـَبـَضت |
You(f) captured | 'inti 'abadtiiicnti qabaDty | إنت ِ قـَبـَضتي |
You(pl) captured | 'intu 'abadtuiicntoo qabaDtoo | إنتوا قـَبـَضتوا |
He/it(m) captured | huwa 'abadhuwa qabaD | هـُو َ قـَبـَض |
She/it(f) captured | hiya 'abadithiya qabaDit | هـِي َ قـَبـَضـِت |
They captured | humma 'abaduhumma qabaDoo | هـُمّ َ قـَبـَضوا |
used with modals (must, should, could, want to...
English | Egyptian |
I might capture | 'ana yimkin 'a'budaacnaa yimkin aacqbuD | أنا َ يـِمكـِن أقبـُض |
We might capture | 'ihna yimkin nu'budiicHnaa yimkin nuqbuD | إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـُقبـُض |
You(m) might capture | 'inta yimkin tu'budiicnta yimkin tuqbuD | إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـُقبـُض |
You(f) might capture | 'inti yimkin tu'budiiicnti yimkin tuqbuDy | إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـُقبـُضي |
You(pl) might capture | 'intu yimkin tu'buduiicntoo yimkin tuqbuDoo | إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـُقبـُضوا |
He/it(m) might capture | huwa yimkin yu'budhuwa yimkin yuqbuD | هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـُقبـُض |
She/it(f) might capture | hiya yimkin tu'budhiya yimkin tuqbuD | هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـُقبـُض |
They might capture | humma yimkin yu'buduhumma yimkin yuqbuDoo | هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـُقبـُضوا |
for actions happening now and habitual actions
English | Egyptian |
I capture | 'ana ba'budaacnaa baqbuD | أنا َ بـَقبـُض |
We capture | 'ihna binu'budiicHnaa binuqbuD | إحنا َ بـِنـُقبـُض |
You(m) capture | 'inta bitu'budiicnta bituqbuD | إنت َ بـِتـُقبـُض |
You(f) capture | 'inti bitu'budiiicnti bituqbuDy | إنت ِ بـِتـُقبـُضي |
You(pl) capture | 'intu bitu'buduiicntoo bituqbuDoo | إنتوا بـِتـُقبـُضوا |
He/it(m) captures | huwa biyu'budhuwa biyuqbuD | هـُو َ بـِيـُقبـُض |
She/it(f) captures | hiya bitu'budhiya bituqbuD | هـِي َ بـِتـُقبـُض |
They capture | humma biyu'buduhumma biyuqbuDoo | هـُمّ َ بـِيـُقبـُضوا |
for actions that will happen in the future
English | Egyptian |
I will capture | 'ana ha'budaacnaa haqbuD | أنا َ هـَقبـُض |
We will capture | 'ihna hanu'budiicHnaa hanuqbuD | إحنا َ هـَنـُقبـُض |
You(m) will capture | 'inta hatu'budiicnta hatuqbuD | إنت َ هـَتـُقبـُض |
You(f) will capture | 'inti hatu'budiiicnti hatuqbuDy | إنت ِ هـَتـُقبـُضي |
You(pl) will capture | 'intu hatu'buduiicntoo hatuqbuDoo | إنتوا هـَتـُقبـُضوا |
He/it(m) will capture | huwa hayu'budhuwa hayuqbuD | هـُو َ هـَيـُقبـُض |
She/it(f) will capture | hiya hatu'budhiya hatuqbuD | هـِي َ هـَتـُقبـُض |
They will capture | humma hayu'buduhumma hayuqbuDoo | هـُمّ َ هـَيـُقبـُضوا |
telling somebody to do something
English | Egyptian |
You(m) capture! | 'u'buduucqbuD | أ ُقبـُض |
You(f) capture! | 'u'budiuucqbuDy | أ ُقبـُضي |
You(pl) capture! | 'u'buduuucqbuDoo | أ ُقبـُضوا |