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Verb details
for actions that happened in the past
English | Egyptian |
I disposed | 'ana tachallastaacnaa taKallaSt | أنا َ تـَخـَلّـَصت |
We disposed | 'ihna tachallasnaiicHnaa taKallaSnaa | إحنا َ تـَخـَلّـَصنا |
You(m) disposed | 'inta tachallastiicnta taKallaSt | إنت َ تـَخـَلّـَصت |
You(f) disposed | 'inti tachallastiiicnti taKallaSty | إنت ِ تـَخـَلّـَصتي |
You(pl) disposed | 'intu tachallastuiicntoo taKallaStoo | إنتوا تـَخـَلّـَصتوا |
He/it(m) disposed | huwa tachallashuwa taKallaS | هـُو َ تـَخـَلّـَص |
She/it(f) disposed | hiya tachallasithiya taKallaSit | هـِي َ تـَخـَلّـَصـِت |
They disposed | humma tachallasuhumma taKallaSoo | هـُمّ َ تـَخـَلّـَصوا |
Active Participle
for some actions happening now (movement, thinking, sense)
English | Egyptian |
I(m) am disposing | 'ana 'itchallasaacnaa iictKallaS | أنا َ إتخـَلّـَص |
I(f) am disposing | 'ana 'itchallasaaacnaa iictKallaSaö | أنا َ إتخـَلّـَصـَة |
We are disposing | 'ihna 'itchallaseeniicHnaa iictKallaSyn | إحنا َ إتخـَلّـَصين |
You(m) are disposing | 'inta 'itchallasiicnta iictKallaS | إنت َ إتخـَلّـَص |
You(f) are disposing | 'inti 'itchallasaiicnti iictKallaSaö | إنت ِ إتخـَلّـَصـَة |
You(pl) are disposing | 'intu 'itchallaseeniicntoo iictKallaSyn | إنتوا إتخـَلّـَصين |
He/it(m) is disposing | huwa 'itchallashuwa iictKallaS | هـُو َ إتخـَلّـَص |
She/it(f) is disposing | hiya 'itchallasahiya iictKallaSaö | هـِي َ إتخـَلّـَصـَة |
They are disposing | humma 'itchallaseenhumma iictKallaSyn | هـُمّ َ إتخـَلّـَصين |