Egyptian Arabic Dictionary


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emotion: distress
MS'itdaeyi'iictDaeyiq vi   
إتضا َيـِق ز ِعـِل
'itdaeyi'iictDaeyiq p
إتضا َيـِق
yitdaeyi'yitDaeyiq imp
يـِتضا َيـِق
mitdaeyi'mitDaeyiq act
مـِتضا َيـِق
mutadaeyi'mutaDaeyiq pass
مـُتـَضا َيـِق
ENbe disturbedbe disturbed vi   
(be) disturbed(be) disturbed inf
(was) disturbed(was) disturbed p
ENget upsetget upset v   
(get) upset(get) upset inf
(got) upset(got) upset p
upsetupset pass